Planning on Building in Lampiesbaai?

Building resources & Applications

Everything you need to know about building in LAmpiesbaai

Be sure to Follow the Building Regulations & Processes Stated Below

Lampiesbaai is an estate with a certain culture, heritage and history. This is something that we aim to protect and preserve over time as the estate continues to grow with more and more houses being built. It is for this reason that there are some fairly specific guidelines that are to be strictly adhered to when building a new house or modifying/extending an existing house. 

Please be sure to familiarize yourself with the below processes and guidelines to ensure that all parties, including yourself, are 100% satisfied with the end product and any unnecessary costs and/or issues are avoided.

If you have any questions or uncertainties, please feel free to contact the EXCO who will gladly and ably assist you with any information you need.  

Building Manual

There are strict guidelines to how units are to be designed and built and all homeowners/builders are expected to adhere to these guidelines. Please click below to view all current unit design options:

Site Plans and ERF Maps

Lampiesbaai is still growing and expanding by the day, but feel free to check out the various site plans for different areas within Lampiesbaai by clicking the relevant option below: 

Unit Designs

There are strict guidelines to how units are to be designed and built and all homeowners/builders are expected to adhere to these guidelines. Please click below to view all current unit design options:

Building Application Forms

If you’re buying property and/or planning on building/expanding property – please download and complete the relevant forms below and send to the EXCO for approval. 

If you have any questions regarding any of the above information, please don;t hesitate to contact the EXCO by clicking the button alongside
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